16 July 2009

Oprah Burgers

Okay, really, they are turkey burgers. But they come to me via oprah.com. Apparently Oprah dedicated a show to sandwiches, and had Gayle drive across the country eating. Why oh why do I have to work a day job? That is my kind of tv, and sounds way better than James Frey confessionals and car give-a-ways.

They were not as epic as Oprah promised, although I did scale down the recipe for 3 and the proportion of stuff to burger was a little high, and I didn't have time to let them firm up in the fridge. But they were pretty tasty (served with apricot and jalapeƱo chutney) and I intend to re-attempt. Grilling next to them are eggplant and red peppers served with mint-cumin dressing that was pretty much the bomb.com, courtesy of Cook's Illustrated.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Oprah really goes out of her way to keep BFF Gayle's income flowing. It's endearing.