9 July 2009

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

I have been reading The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan lately, and everytime I am craving something sweet and might normally think about maybe grabbing some Reese's Pieces or gummies of any kind (fyi I have a bit of a candy problem, if you are enabler, stick with these kinds to be safe), I read the label and look for corn/derivatives from corn/generally get freaked out by all these mono/dextrose/acid sounding things in my "food", and justify baking another batch of cookies.

These are a classic, tasty and quick. It makes for excellent dough snacking as well.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe (originally from Cook's Illustrated)

Note on chocolate chips: Using fancy chocolate chips makes a huge difference in my opinion. My preferred brand is Ghiradelli's Semisweet Chocolate Chips, both for taste and the way they melt. I was almost out so this batch was half and half (the other half being plain old President's Choice), and I, for one, could taste the difference. Not my best work, but for quick and somewhat wholesome (extremely wholesome when I think about HFCS, antibiotics-loaded cows, and scary chemicals) cookies, these did the trick.

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